Originally packaging came in a Lone Star branded cardboard boxes. There were several sizes all with the same artwork, with the exception of the larger station box.
As well as the product inside the box, there was the an information pamphlet, depicting the full range of the Lone Star railway products.
The pamphlet had pictures of the full 000 range of rolling stock, track and trackside products. Locomotives had quite a comprehensive description along with their picture. Early pamphlets promised of an increasing range, including ‘American and Continental trains’.
These pamphlets evolved over time as the predicted ‘new models regularly introduced’ did materialise. Later versions showed a product number with the pictured items. Also, suggestions for layouts also shown.
Later blister packs were introduced, replacing the boxes and the pamphlets contained. A different number range was used. Some of the items that were originally sold separately were grouped together.
The packaging and numbering was totally different for the Treble-0-Lectric, with none of the 000 packaging design used. Instead, items were packed in a cardboard box with a plastic window, the outside was designed with blue and white chevrons surrounding a yellow centre piece.
More examples of the original artwork can be found at vintage British diecasts.